Start your metabolism and your day with a salad
Although breakfast may be the most difficult meal to fit into your schedule, the old adage of it being “the most important meal of the day” rings true according to researchers at Michigan State University. A study performed at the University found that the consumption of a well-rounded breakfast can decrease a persons’ risk for diabetes and heart disease, increase their cognitive function and memory and help with weight loss and is particularly important for children.
So how do you find time to make a healthy and satisfying breakfast without breaking out all of your pots, pans and bowls in the morning? Easy.
According to the Food Channel, one 2015 food trend is called the “Daypart Agnostic.” Put simply, this is salad for breakfast! Your favorite healthy meal is getting a makeover. Salad is no longer just for an easy work lunch or a delicious ending to your night, but it’s a great way to start your day as well. CNN also advises readers to remember the produce in their breakfasts as “breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day.”
Buzzfeed and Popsugar have both created lists of the best way to eat salad for breakfast. They range from morning traditions like a fresh fruit salad to the green leafy salads that we all know and love.
One of my favorites takes a simple baby kale salad with cherry tomatoes and adds a poached egg for that breakfast feel and tops it with a fruity vinaigrette. The eggs and dressing on the salad help to absorb the nutrients from the kale so you’re sure to be gaining all of the health benefits you’re looking for in a salad. Avocados have the same nutrition-absorbing benefits and can be added for a heartier meal.
The traditional leafy salad is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to breakfast salads. There are also quinoa salads with fruit, simple fruit salads, sauerkraut salads, avocado salads and so many more options for breakfast.
If you have your own favorite breakfast salad recipe, be sure to share it with us on our Facebook page!
Now go start your day off with a delicious salad and feel what a difference it makes!